Pathology reporting to cancer registries: The evaluation of an electronic reporting system Published: 2007
Do doctors follow the provincial and national guidelines for the management of low grade cervical smear abnormalities? A retrospective population-based cohort study Published: 2007
Exercise Consultation: Can it Increase Activity Levels and Improve Metabolic Markers in Obese Adolescents? A Pilot Study Published: 2007
Critical Events during out-of-hospital Air-medical Patient Transport in Ontario: A Retrospective Study Published: 2007
Local Anesthesia (Topical Amethocaine Gel 4%) for Intramuscular Injection in Term Neonates: A Randomized Controlled Trial Published: 2007
Development and Validation of a Model to Predict Creatinine Clearance in Critically Ill Paediatric Patients Published: 2007
The Impact of Patient, Physician and Centre Factors on Successful Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis in Individuals with End-stage Kidney Disease in Ontario: A Population-based Retrospective Cohort Study Published: 2007
Socioeconomic factors related to asthma control and health-related quality of life in children Published: 2007