Kuan Liu

Kuan Liu

Faculty Member

Accepting Students


Investigating regional trends in electronic cigarette consumption in Canada and identifying geographical characteristics associated with high consumption

Accepting Students

This study investigates the prevalence of e-cigarette consumption and neighbourhood/community characteristics across Canada.

Lead: Kuan Liu


Longitudinal Cognitive Trajectory Modelling and Phenotyping with Multiple Features using Health Administrative Data

Accepting Students

This project aims to develop and apply both model-based and algorithm-based statistical and machine learning methods to longitudinal trajectory clustering of multiple repeatedly measured features of cognitive decline.

Lead: Kuan Liu

Affiliates: Geoffrey M. Anderson


Bayesian sensitivity analyses for time-dependent unmeasured confounding

Accepting Students

The strongly ignorable treatment assignment assumption (also known as no unmeasured confounding) is an untestable causal assumption which requires a sufficiently large set of covariates being measured to ensure that subjects are exchangeable across the observed exposure given measured covariates […]

Lead: Kuan Liu

I am an Assistant Professor in Health Services Research at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto. I also hold a cross-appointment at the Division of Biostatistics at Dalla Lana School of Public Health. My research program aims to improve the use of Bayesian methods in the design and analysis of longitudinal observational studies and real-world clinical trials through the development of new methodologies and innovate application of statistical methods, and close collaboration with clinical and public health research scientists. My areas of methodological interest include causal inference, applied Bayesian statistics, longitudinal data analysis, measurement errors and bias analysis, and semi-parametric/parametric joint modelling.


Applied Bayesian Methods in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

Course Details


Biostatistics III: Advanced Biostatistical Techniques for Observational Studies

Course Details

Yannay Khaikin

MSc Graduate Student

Thesis: Prevention of perineal injury during vaginal birth

Supervisors: Kuan Liu