
This at a glance guide will help you navigate what to expect in the QIPS program. 

Two program options are being offered – a non-thesis, course based (including a comprehensive 12 month project with an optional practicum) and a thesis-based option. Both options begin in the fall. Explore past project titles

Courses are delivered in-person at the St George campus.

Modules: Courses are delivered in a modular format. Each module consists of two and a half days, a full day Thursday, a full day Friday and a half-day Saturday. There are four to five modules per session, one module per month in the fall and winter session.

Intensives: Additionally, there is one week-long intensive per fall and winter session.

Electives: Electives are delivered as either additional intensives or aligned with existing modules where possible. Each elective is approximately four days.

See timetables for more precise schedule information.

Pre-Entry – Spring/Summer (Course-based)

  1. Attend full day orientation at IHPME with their cohort led by the MSc QIPS Program Director
  2. Complete several asynchronous assignments to prepare for the first intensive course at the start of the fall session

Year 1 (Course-based)

One week-long intensive in September (full days, Mon-Fri) – HAD3010H

Four modules (Thu, Fri, Sat) – HAD3020H, HAD3050H, & HAD3040Y 

Four modules (Thu, Fri, Sat) – HAD3030H, HAD3070H & HAD3040Y

One week-long intensive at the end of the winter term (full days, Mon-Fri) – HAD3060H

Elective options: HAD5777H (Leading and Managing Change: Building Adaptive Capacity) and HAD3035H (Human Factors)

Elective options: HAD3025H (Teaching QI and Patient Safety), HAD4000H-F (Modern Methods in QI)

Elective option: Practicum HAD3080H – 60 hours at a different place of employment

End in July  – final HAD3040Y project submission.

Pre-Entry – Spring/Summer (Thesis-based)

  1. Attend full day orientation at IHPME with their cohort led by the MSc QIPS Program Director
  2. Complete several asynchronous assignments to prepare for the first intensive course at the start of the Fall session

Year 1 (Thesis-based)

  1. Intake meeting. Students meet early in the fall session with their QIPS tutor, faculty member and Program Director to discuss initial thesis project ideas and ensure agreement on the topic and feasibility of the project. At this time the identification and engagement of a primary thesis supervisor in IHPME is undertaken. An additional supervisor with relevant domain expertise is also recommended. This person could be part of the thesis committee and is not necessarily an additional supervisor.
  2. Thesis committee meeting.  It is required that there be at least one meeting with the supervisor and thesis committee during the course of your study.

One week-long intensive in September (full days, Mon-Fri) – HAD3010H

Four modules (Thu, Fri, Sat) – HAD3020H & HAD3050H, HAD3040Y

*Thesis-based students start off in HAD3040Y and are moved into HAD3041Y starting in the winter session.

The thesis committee is selected by the supervisor and student and confirmed no later than January.

Four modules (Sat) – HAD3041Y

Elective Options: HAD5777H (Leading and Managing Change: Building Adaptive Capacity) and HAD3035H (Human Factors)

Thesis proposal defence. Ideally completed by the start of the spring/summer session year 1. The proposal should be submitted to the committee one month in advance of the proposal defence.

Complete project work HAD3041Y

Elective options: HAD3025H (Teaching QI and Patient Safety), HAD4000H-F (Modern Methods in QI).

Elective option: Practicum HAD3080H – 60 hours at a different place of employment

Write thesis

Year 2 (Thesis-based)


Complete thesis revisions, submit final thesis to SGS

The overall length of time to complete the thesis based option for MSc Quality Improvement and Patient Safety is usually 18-24 months. 

Tuition note:  Tuition for the program if completed in 1 year, is the same as the non-thesis stream however all of our thesis stream students have taken at least 1 additional semester to complete their thesis. In order to access university resources including your supervisor, faculty, library resources etc. you must pay for additional semesters until completion of the thesis.  

Finance Your Degree

At IHPME, we offer a variety of financial supports to help you succeed in our graduate programs.

Connect with Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS)

QIPS Program Director

Christine Shea
Phone Number: 416-946-3862
Email Address: christine.shea@​

Oversees management of the QIPS Program

Graduate Administrator

Zoe Downie-Ross
Phone Number: (416) 946-3486
Email Address: ihpme.grad.admin@​

Coordinates student records, graduate funding, and student-related awards.

Graduate Admissions

Christina Lopez
Email Address: ihpme.admissions@​

Manages admissions and responds to all related inquiries.

Graduate Assistant

Devrim Sen (acting)
Email Address: ihpme.grad.assist@​

Coordinates various graduate initiatives including defences, student events, and graduation.

QIPS Program Assistant

Devrim Sen
Phone Number: 416-946-8542
Email Address: ihpme.qips.program@​

Manages the QIPS courses including enrolment, grades, and access to Quercus

Graduate Placements

Christina Lopez
Phone Number: (416) 978-1108
Email Address: ihpme.placements@​

Coordinates details involving student placement and experiential learning