
The MSc HSLI concentration provides a solid foundation in health system leadership and innovation theory, practice, and research methods.

Students will explore how innovation can be developed and implemented and how to systematically assess the impact of change on all aspects of the healthcare systems. Graduates of this program will feel equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to shape and transform health systems in Canada and around the world.

Entry Term: Summer (May)

Accepting Applications: September 23rd, 2024

HSLI Application Deadline: January 15, 2025

Program Options: Course-based + Capstone project

Study Options: Part-time, students requiring full-time study option should consult with ihpme.admissions@utoronto.ca.

Time Commitment: 16-20 months part-time (can still continue work or medical school)

Who should apply? Current and emerging clinician leaders with a focus on leading transformative change in the healthcare system.

What you’ll learn: 

The HSLI program is based on a set of conceptual, methodological, organizational and ethical competencies related to health systems science that will enable program graduates to appropriately and effectively address complex challenges and lead socially responsible health system transformation. HSLI provides a strong foundation in:

  • Innovative thinking for health policy and health systems 
  • Complexity science 
  • Data analytics 
  • Strategy and leadership methods for scaling up innovation

What you’ll experience: 

The capstone project provides students with an opportunity to apply innovative technologies, management techniques, and business models to address a specific health system performance challenge. The capstone opportunity is aimed to provide students with skills related to: 

  • Develop expertise in a particular health systems area, understanding the social, political and economic context
  • Gain an understanding of the local context for implementing healthcare innovation
  • Develop working relationships with stakeholders to define the innovation challenge and develop an appropriate solution set
  • Build leadership skills in disciplined problem analysis, stakeholder management, innovation design, business plan preparation, solution development, validation, presentation and public speaking, performance evaluation of tasks and managing people and expectation

Finance Your Degree

At IHPME, we offer a variety of financial supports to help you succeed in our graduate programs.

Connect with Health Systems Leadership and Innovation (HSLI)

HSLI Program Director

Savithiri Ratnapalan
Email Address: ihpme.hsli.prog.dir@​utoronto.ca

Oversees management of the HSLI Program

Graduate Administrator

Zoe Downie-Ross
Phone Number: (416) 946-3486
Email Address: ihpme.grad.admin@​utoronto.ca

Coordinates student records, graduate funding, and student-related awards.

Graduate Admissions

Christina Lopez
Email Address: ihpme.admissions@​utoronto.ca

Manages admissions and responds to all related inquiries.

Graduate Assistant

Devrim Sen (acting)
Email Address: ihpme.grad.assist@​utoronto.ca

Coordinates various graduate initiatives including defences, student events, and graduation.

HSLI Program Assistant

Devrim Sen
Phone Number: 416-946-8542
Email Address: ihpme.hsli.courses@​utoronto.ca

Manages the HSLI courses including enrolment, grades, and access to Quercus

Graduate Placements

Christina Lopez
Phone Number: (416) 978-1108
Email Address: ihpme.placements@​utoronto.ca

Coordinates details involving student placement and experiential learning