Study Options

All applicants should submit their application as “part-time” students. If you are interested in a full-time option, please contact ( prior to submitting your application to discuss specifics of the full-time option.

Review the funding policy before applying.

Finance Your Degree

At IHPME, we offer a variety of financial supports to help you succeed in our graduate programs.

Connect with Health Systems Leadership and Innovation (HSLI)

HSLI Program Director

Savithiri Ratnapalan
Email Address: ihpme.hsli.prog.dir@​

Oversees management of the HSLI Program

Graduate Administrator

Zoe Downie-Ross
Phone Number: (416) 946-3486
Email Address: ihpme.grad.admin@​

Coordinates student records, graduate funding, and student-related awards.

Graduate Admissions

Christina Lopez
Email Address: ihpme.admissions@​

Manages admissions and responds to all related inquiries.

Graduate Assistant

Devrim Sen (acting)
Email Address: ihpme.grad.assist@​

Coordinates various graduate initiatives including defences, student events, and graduation.

HSLI Program Assistant

Devrim Sen
Phone Number: 416-946-8542
Email Address:​

Manages the HSLI courses including enrolment, grades, and access to Quercus

Graduate Placements

Christina Lopez
Phone Number: (416) 978-1108
Email Address: ihpme.placements@​

Coordinates details involving student placement and experiential learning