
What’s happening at IHPME

Centre for Digital Therapeutics

The Centre for Digital Therapeutics is a research and development group focused on building novel digital therapeutics for chronic disease management to support patients in living well beyond chronic illness.

Lead: Quynh Pham

Affiliates: Emily Seto, Joseph A. Cafazzo, Ian Connell

OHT Impact Fellows Program

The OHT Impact Fellows program places skilled evaluators and researchers directly within OHTs. During their year-long embedded fellowship, OHT Impact Fellows will support the implementation and evaluation of local priority projects and contribute to rapid learning and improvement.

Lead: G. Ross Baker

Affiliates: Meghan McMahon

Vernissage Health – Developing Emerging Leaders In Health

Vernissage Health focuses on the inner work of leadership in health care. Through self reflection, storytelling and deep listening, emerging leaders (graduate students and recent alumni) are invited to cultivate the mindsets and awareness required to lead positive change in health care.

Lead: Wendy Nelson

Affiliates: Malcolm Raymond K. Moffat, Isser L. Dubinsky

Collaborative Centre for Climate, Health & Sustainable Care

The Centre for Sustainable Health Systems strives to lead and support local, national, and international efforts to improve the environmental and social sustainability of health systems.

Lead: Fiona A. Miller

Affiliates: Geoffrey M. Anderson, Christine Shea

COVID-19 procurement around the world

COVID-19 procurement around the world. Comparative investigation on COVID-19 procurement and supply methods across countries. Research on COVID-19 procurement in select countries.

Lead: Mayvis Rebeira

Evaluation of rapid virtual care scale-up during the Covid-19 Pandemic: (DECISION)

This research explores the impact of the shift to virtual care at the level operations and professional and institutional identity in four distinct clinical sites in UHN and SickKids.

Lead: Robert Paul

Affiliates: Maria Athina (Tina) Martimianakis

Consideration of Trade-offs Regarding COVID-19 Containment Measures in the United States: Implications for Canada

This study attempts to find if stimulus packages can be deemed cost-effective and whether shutdown measures are too restrictive resulting in massive economic shock to individuals.

Lead: Mayvis Rebeira

Affiliates: Eric Nauenberg

Improving outcomes and efficiency by reducing unnecessary invasive angiograms using AI-based clinical decision support

CREATE (CentRe for digital hEalth and dATa sciEnce) has developed an AI model that can help reduce the number of unnecessary angiograms and now working to develop a clinical decision support tool for use at the point of care.

Lead: Jeremy Petch

Affiliates: Laura C. Rosella

The Centre for Advancing Collaborative Healthcare & Education (CACHE)

CACHE collaborates with local, national, and international partners to advance education, practice, research, systems, and policy toward better work and care for all, offering professional development programs and consultation to support this advancement.

Lead: Stella Ng

Affiliates: Paula Rowland

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Email Address: ihpme.communications@​

Manages all IHPME-wide communications and marketing initiatives, including events and announcements.