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John Charles Polanyi Prizes
Award Value: $20,000
Deadline to IHPME: November 22, 2024
Autism Scholars Award
Award Value: Master’s award—$18,000; Doctoral award—$20,000
Deadline to IHPME: Students submit to SGS (December)
Canadian Graduate Scholarships-Master’s (CGS-M)
Award Value: $27,000 for one year
Deadline to IHPME: December 2, 2024
Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships
Award Value: Up to $40,000 (+ up to $10,000 allowance) per year for three years
Deadline to IHPME: Students submit to the Foundation
C. David Naylor University Fellowships Endowed by a Gift from the Arthur L. Irving Foundation
Award Value: $30,000 for one year (up to 2 awarded annually)
Deadline to IHPME: January
Award Value: $10,000 top-up (renewable for a total of 4-5 years*)
Deadline to IHPME: January
SGS Parental Grant
Award Value: Grants will typically range between $6000-$9000 per session and are calculated based on the student’s current stipend/ base funding amount.
Deadline to IHPME: Prior to the start of the session of approved parental leave (Fall/Winter/Summer)
IHPME Research Expense Stipend for PhD students
Award Value: $500
IHPME Research Day Awards
Award Value: Several awards with individual values
Deadline to IHPME: Research Day (April)
Iranian Student Memorial Scholarship
Award Value: One Award up to $10,000
Deadline to IHPME: N/A
Get in Contact
Graduate Administrator
Zoe Downie-Ross
Phone Number: (416) 946-3486
Email Address: ihpme.grad.admin@utoronto.ca
Coordinates student records, graduate funding, and student-related awards.