Degree Requirements

Comprising 10 Full Course Equivalents (FCE) 


The MHSc program includes a practicum as a required component completed as a full-time placement in Block 3, 4 or 5.

  • It requires a minimum of 8 weeks (320 hours) and equals one full course equivalent (FCE).
  • Students have an option to extend it to 12 weeks (480 hours) and earn an additional 0.5 FCE.

If exceptional circumstances prevent the student from engaging in a work placement, the student can meet the requirements of the practicum by completing a project.

Course Requirements

10 FCE and 1 Project Practicum (1.0 FCE equivalent)


Creating a Framework for Continuous Leadership Development


Theory and Practice of Strategic Planning and Management in Health Services Organizations


Quantitative Methods for Health Services Management and Policy


Strategic Management of Quality and Organizational Behaviour in Health Services Organizations


Introduction to eHealth: Informatics, Innovations and Information Systems


Human Resources Management and Labour Relations in the Health Field


Field Practicum Extension

Year 2 – Fall electives:


Operations Research: Tools for Quantitative Health Care Decision Making

Year 2 – Winter electives:


Leading and Managing Change: Building Adaptive Capacity

Students may enrol in elective courses offered through IHPME, or other departments within the University. Please discuss with the MHSc Program Director. If approved, contact the course instructor. If given permission to enrol in the course, complete an Add/Drop form and submit to the MHSc Program Assistant.

Finance Your Degree

At IHPME, we offer a variety of financial supports to help you succeed in our graduate programs.

Connect with Health Administration (MHSc)

MHSc Program Director

Karen Born
Phone Number: 416-946-3023
Email Address: karen.born@​

Oversees management of the Health Administration (MHSc) Program

Graduate Administrator

Zoe Downie-Ross
Phone Number: (416) 946-3486
Email Address: ihpme.grad.admin@​

Coordinates student records, graduate funding, and student-related awards.

Graduate Admissions

Christina Lopez
Email Address: ihpme.admissions@​

Manages admissions and responds to all related inquiries.

Graduate Assistant

Devrim Sen (acting)
Email Address: ihpme.grad.assist@​

Coordinates various graduate initiatives including defences, student events, and graduation.

MHSc Program Assistant

Anita Morehouse
Phone Number: 416-946-3922
Email Address:​

Manages the Health Administration (MHSc) courses including enrolment, grades, and access to Quercus

Graduate Placements

Christina Lopez
Phone Number: (416) 978-1108
Email Address: ihpme.placements@​

Coordinates details involving student placement and experiential learning