
What’s happening at IHPME

Empowering Ontario’s Long-term Care Residents to Shape the Place they call Home

Our objective is to empower long-term care (LTC) home residents to shape the place they call home. Our project brings together researchers, LTC residents and highly qualified personnel in their shared interests in engagement and quality of life in LTC homes.

Lead: Jennifer Bethell

Engagement of People with Lived Experience of Dementia (EPLED)

The Engagement of People with Lived Experience of Dementia (EPLED) is a new program introduced for the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) phase II.

Lead: Jennifer Bethell

Social Connection in Long-term Care Home Residents (SONNET) Study

Social connection in long-term care home residents (called SONNET Study) was created to improve measurement of this person-centred outcome by evaluating existing measures and develop a new validated measurement approach.

Lead: Jennifer Bethell

Quanfang Dong

Dara Gordon

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Marielle Boutin
Email Address: ihpme.communications@​

Manages all IHPME-wide communications and marketing initiatives, including events and announcements.