Degree Requirements

Thesis Requirements:

The purpose of the dissertation is to undertake an original theory-driven investigation characterized by rigorous methodology and capable of making a significant contribution to knowledge about the subject under study. The dissertation supervisor must have their primary graduate appointment in the Institute of IHPME.

The dissertation process includes:

  • Preparation and oral defense of a dissertation proposal
  • Preparation of the written dissertation
  • Presentation and oral defense of the dissertation.

Program Requirements:

Students meet annually with their supervisor and the PhD Program Director to review their progress and to plan course work and other activities for the following year.

Candidacy Requirements:

Students achieve candidacy when they have completed all coursework, and defended their thesis proposal.

All PhD students must achieve candidacy by the end of the third year of registration (MSc-PhD transfer and PhD direct entry students must achieve candidacy by the end of the fourth year of registration). The student’s date of registration is the beginning of the first term in which the student attended classes. For most students, this is the fall term.

Students can designate themselves as a PhD candidate (PhD(c)) only after achieving candidacy.


Each Emphasis has a Comprehensives component tailored to assess their students’ ability to demonstrate a high level of competency in the area of specialization, and satisfactory evidence of proficiency in statistics and research methods. Comprehensives are required of all doctoral programs. Some Emphases fulfill this requirement through a Comprehensives course, while other Emphases do so through a final exam at the conclusion of all Emphasis required coursework.

Course Requirements: 

  • A minimum of 10 half-year courses (5.0 FCEs).
  • PhD students will be required to complete an intermediate statistics course while in the program. A pre-requisite for successful completion of this course is familiarity with introductory statistics up to and including regression. All students are strongly advised to take an applied introductory statistics course over the summer, or review the material independently.
  • Transfer of maximum 1 FCE credits (two half-courses) will be allowed only to those students who have successfully completed graduate level courses at accredited universities, and if no degree was awarded for completion of those courses.
  • For students who have completed their MSc degree with IHPME, consideration for required course equivalents may be available at the discretion of the Emphasis Lead. The graduate coordinator will determine whether the courses are sufficiently similar and if so forward the request to the School of Graduate Studies for final approval.

Required (2.0 FCE):


Introduction to Health Services Research Theory and Methods

The following course (HAD5772H) or equivalent, please discuss with your Emphasis Lead:


Intermediate Statistics for Health Services Researchers

Required (2.5 FCE):


Economic Evaluation Methods for Health Services Research

Health Economics Comprehensive Exam

Required participation in:

Elective (0.5 FCE):

One course from HSR course list

Students may enrol in elective courses offered through IHPME, or other departments within the University. Please discuss with your Emphasis Lead. If approved, contact the course instructor. If given permission to enrol in the course, complete an Add/Drop form and submit to the HSR Program Assistant.

Required (1.5 FCE):


Cognitive, Social & Information Science Theory in Health Informatics Research

Three courses (1.5 FCE) from:

Students may enrol in elective courses offered through IHPME, or other departments within the University. Please discuss with your Emphasis Lead. If approved, contact the course instructor. If given permission to enrol in the course, complete an Add/Drop form and submit to the HSR Program Assistant.

Required (1.0 FCE):

One course (0.5 FCE) from


Historical, Ethical and Philosophical Foundations of Public Health

Or other health policy research courses as appropriate, for example:

One course (0.5 FCE) from 


Case Study Research for Health Services, Systems and Policy

One course (0.5 FCE) from 

Students may enrol in elective courses offered through IHPME, or other departments within the University. Please discuss with your Emphasis Lead. If approved, contact the course instructor. If given permission to enrol in the course, complete an Add/Drop form and submit to the HSR Program Assistant.

Required (2.5 FCE):


Introduction to Theories of Organizational Behaviour and Applications to the Health Care Sector


Health Services Organization and Management Comprehensive Course

One course (0.5 FCE) from:

Students may enrol in elective courses offered through IHPME, or other departments within the University. Please discuss with your Emphasis Lead. If approved, contact the course instructor. If given permission to enrol in the course, complete an Add/Drop form and submit to the HSR Program Assistant.

Required (1.5 FCE):


Health Services Outcomes and Evaluation Comprehensive Course

Two courses (1.0 FCE) from:


Performance Measurements in Healthcare: Theory and Application


Economic Evaluation Methods for Health Services Research


Intermediate Level Qualitative Research for Health Services and Policy Research


Evidence Synthesis for Health Services, Systems and Policy Research


Case Study Research for Health Services, Systems and Policy

One advanced methods course (0.5 FCE) from:

Students may enrol in elective courses offered through IHPME, or other departments within the University. Please discuss with your Emphasis Lead. If approved, contact the course instructor. If given permission to enrol in the course, complete an Add/Drop form and submit to the HSR Program Assistant.

Required (1.0 FCE):


Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

One course (0.5 FCE)from:


Economic Evaluation Methods for Health Services Research

HAD5779H or HAD5308H


Evidence Synthesis for Health Services, Systems and Policy Research


Evidence Synthesis: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis

Three courses (1.5 FCE) from:

Students may enrol in elective courses offered through IHPME, or other departments within the University. Please discuss with your Emphasis Lead. If approved, contact the course instructor. If given permission to enrol in the course, complete an Add/Drop form and submit to the HSR Program Assistant.

To gain an understanding of knowledge translation students can take two courses from the Knowledge Translation offerings using their electives or additional courses.

Finance Your Degree

At IHPME, we offer a variety of financial supports to help you succeed in our graduate programs.

Learn More About this Program

HSR Program Co-Director

Emily Seto
Email Address: emily.seto@​

Co-leads the management of the HSR Program.

HSR Program Co-Director

Katie N. Dainty
Email Address: katie.dainty@​

Co-leads the management of the HSR Program.

Graduate Administrator

Zoe Downie-Ross
Phone Number: (416) 946-3486
Email Address: ihpme.grad.admin@​

Coordinates student records, graduate funding, and student-related awards.

Graduate Admissions

Christina Lopez
Email Address: ihpme.admissions@​

Manages admissions and responds to all related inquiries.

Graduate Assistant

Phone Number: (416) 946-3922
Email Address: ihpme.grad.assist@​

Coordinates various graduate initiatives including defences, student events, and graduation.

HSR Program Assistant

Anita Morehouse
Phone Number: 416-946-3922
Email Address:​

Manages the HSR courses including enrolment, grades, and access to Quercus.